
Possible compotition brief 2

A collection of live creative briefs presenting a range of modern communication challenges across all media


20th Century Fox is releasing ‘Rise of the Apes’ in Summer 2011. The movie tells the original story of the iconic ‘Planet of the Apes’ movie, and is set in present day San Francisco. It is a cautionary tale where man’s own experiments with genetic engineering lead to the development of intelligence in apes and the onset of a war for supremacy.

The film stars James Franco as a scientist seeking a cure for his father’s Alzheimer’s; a cure which unlocks the latent intelligence of a young ape called Caesar who then rapidly develops the capacity for logic, reason and language. Caesar is played by Andy Serkis, and the film utilises the motion capture techniques pioneered by Avatar to deliver photorealistic human-like performances amongst the apes. Further details of the plot will be released online over the coming months, so please go online and search for the latest developments.

The Creative Challenge

The new movie has to stand up as a standalone release and completely reboot the franchise – particularly as the majority of today’s cinemagoers weren’t even born when the original movie was released.

Whilst the trailer is the key marketing vehicle for any movie, and the release will be supported with conventional TV, outdoor and digital marketing activity, we’re looking for bold creative thinking across all disciplines that will help us engage young audiences in new ways, create standout from the movie marketing clutter, and deliver a campaign that’s as bold, fresh and original as the movie itself.


  • Access to creative talent and filmmakers is always very limited due to tight production schedule – ideas that are demanding of their time tend to get put to one side.
  • Movie marketing is much faster moving than other categories, and fast turnaround of simple, big ideas generally win out.
  • The core cinema-going audience who come out for the opening weekend tend to be aged 16-24 – this is the one group more than anyone we want to be excited about this release.


The success of most major releases rests on a few weeks of marketing activity – you don’t get a second chance when you’re releasing a movie. We’re looking for either:

  • Truly big ideas that either eventise the release on a mass scale and can be extended across multiple media platforms be it TV, online, in-cinema, experiential/events or outdoor/ambient; or
  • Creative ideas which present the movie in a completely fresh and compelling way to a key audience segment and build up an active fan base / community.

Consider the contexts and environments that the target audience inhabit and where they will be most receptive to communication.

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